We strive to do our best to keep you protected through this “New Normal” and sincerely appreciate the trust you have in us.
We thought long and hard on how to keep our Patients and Team protected, and we have succeeded in keeping everyone safe and healthy.
A brief synopsis of all the mitigation systems and our thought process.
Starting at the level of the oral cavity:
We have a preprocedural rinse which significantly reduces the oral viral load. We use the Isolite/Isodry system which in conjunction with the high speed evacuation system that our assistants use to suction during the procedure, mitigates almost 100% of all aerosols. Any viral particles left are mitigated by the Xuction Dental System and the IQAir Extraoral System with a hyper HEPA Filter System that filters down to 0.003 microns (the Coronavirus is approximately 0.125 microns in size). We also use the ADS extra-oral suction system. Some of our dental mirrors are also equipped with high speed suction. The extra oral suction systems provide an additional layer of protection for peace of mind. If by chance, one particle of the virus has the nerve to get past all these mitigation systems, we have the Surgically Clean Air System which is a medical grade air purifier with UVC light which filters down to 0.0025 microns. In turbo mode the purifier will rid the room of virus particles in 3 and a half minutes. We also have a hover shield that is placed over the patient for additional protection.
Disinfection and mitigation in the treatment room once treatment is completed:
The first thing we do is fog the room with an Ultra Low Volume Cold Fogger using a hypochlorous solution. Once the room has been fogged, we use the turbo filtration system to filter all particles. All equipment and surfaces are then wiped down with medical grade Optum wipes, are electrostatically disinfected and UVC Light disinfected. All barriers are changed including the complete covering of the dental chair with a plastic cover. Patient goggles and blood pressure cuffs are Optum disinfected and UVC light disinfected.
Common areas and our mitigation process for these areas:
We fog the office after every Patient with virus killing hypochlorous acid, which removes any virus particles that are suspended in the air. Fogging kills the Coronavirus in 1 minute and is nontoxic. All surfaces are wiped down and electrostatically disinfected, using Evaclean Electrostatic Spray. We have Wagner Swiss purification systems and Surgically Clean Air Purifiers for all common areas and bathrooms. The bathrooms have touchless soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers and faucet. The entire office is UVC disinfected at the end of the day in our absence for an hour using Smart UVC Germicidal Apollo lamps.
Disinfection of the instruments:
All instruments are wiped down with Optum wipes, run through the instrument washer and are high heat steam sterilized. Once removed from sterilization they are placed in a sequestered, sterile environment until they are used. Sterilization efficacy is monitored every week and has been for years by an outside company.
Our Team Members look a lot different. (Try outer space):
They are dressed from head to toe in personal protection equipment (PPE). Team Members will have on N95 or KN95 masks that are FDA registered. Certificates are on hand. They will also have on goggles, face shields, head coverings, booties and disposable gowns and in some cases a PAPR.
You may have noticed the check-in/check-out process is different as well:
Patients’ temperatures and oxygen saturation levels are taken at the time of arrival, along with hand sanitizer in the front office for patients to use upon arrival. We have added bottled water for patients. The fish remain untouched and happy. The waiting room is disinfected after every patient. Door knobs, hand rails, chair seats, front desk, counter tops and pens are all wiped down and disinfected after all patients, delivery people, postman, etc. Additionally, UVC lights are used to disinfect all items and surfaces at the front desk.
The Front Desk interaction is contactless. The Walkout Statements that were usually handed to you are now being emailed to you through our secure patient portal through www.Smiledash.com. In this Patient Portal, Patients can check their appointments, send secure messages to the office and retrieve the walkout statement. Team Members at the front desk are wearing face masks and face shields for their personal protection.
Patients may ask “How safe is the air in the overall office?”
Well, in addition to all of the mitigation purification systems we have in each room, we have installed PhenomenalAire Cold Plasma Generator Technology. This is used in our HVAC system to clean the air by producing an electric field filled with highly charged ions. The ions created within the field create a natural scrubbing agent for the air passing through the field. The scrubbing process (ionization) safely disables viruses and other microorganisms.
All chemicals used are EPA approved, ADA compliant, AGD compliant, OSHA compliant, non-toxic and very safe. We will be happy to provide MSDS sheets, test results and additional information on all mitigation disinfectants and air purification systems used to anyone who is interested.
We appreciate each and everyone of Our Patients!
Thank you for the trust you put in us!!
Update 6/12/2020
Our soft opening has gone remarkably well.
We continue to adapt the practice to a new normal. We continue to provide a high level quality of care in the safest environment as possible, while retaining the personal relationships that define who we are. Safety is and always will be our top priority.
You will notice some changes when you come into the office.
“Layers of mitigation result in layers of protection!”
What have we done to mitigate the virus at the level of the mouth and during treatment?
Starting at the level of the oral cavity we have a preprocedural rinse and the use of the rubber dam or Isolite/Isodry system. We also have the high speed evacuation system that our assistants use to suction during the procedure. This mitigates 90% of all aerosols. The remaining 10% are mitigated by the Xuction Dental System and the IQAir System with a hyper HEPA Filter System that filters down to 0.003 microns (the Coronavirus is approximately 0.125 microns in size). We also use the ADS extra-oral suction system. Some of our dental mirrors are also equipped with high speed suction. With the rubber dam and Xuction Dental System, 100% of the aerosols are mitigated. The extra oral suction systems provide an additional layer of protection for peace of mind. If by chance, one particle of the virus has the nerve to get past all these mitigation systems, we have the Surgically Clean Air System which is a medical grade air purifier with UVC light which filters down to 0.0025 microns. In turbo mode the purifier will rid the room of virus particles in 3 and a half minutes. We also have a hover shield that is placed over the patient for additional protection.
All cases fabricated in an outside lab are sterilized and UVC light disinfected once they arrive in the office.
How is the room disinfected once treatment is completed?
The first thing we do is fog the room with an Ultra Low Volume Cold Fogger using a hypochlorous solution. Once the room has been fogged, we use the turbo filtration system to filter all particles. All equipment and surfaces are then wiped down with medical grade Optum wipes, are electrostatically disinfected and UVC Light disinfected. All barriers are changed including the complete covering of the dental chair with a plastic cover. Patient goggles and blood pressure cuffs are Optum disinfected and UVC light disinfected.
How are we disinfecting common areas in the office?
We fog the office three times a day with virus killing hypochlorous acid, which removes any virus particles that are suspended in the air. Fogging kills the Coronavirus in 1 minute and is nontoxic. All surfaces are wiped down and electrostatically disinfected, using Evaclean Electrostatic Spray. We have Wagner Swiss purification systems for all common areas and bathrooms. The bathrooms have touchless soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers and faucet. The entire office is UVC disinfected at the end of the day using Smart UVC Germicidal Apollo lamps.
How do we disinfect our instruments?
All dirty instruments are wiped down with Optum wipes, run through the instrument washer, are bagged and high heat steam sterilized. Once removed from sterilization they are placed in a sequestered, sterile environment until they are used. Sterilization efficacy is monitored every week and has been for years by an outside company.
Will the Team Members look any different?
Our Team Members will look a little different. They will be dressed from head to toe in personal protection equipment (PPE). Team Members will have on N95 or KN95 masks that are FDA registered. Certificates are on hand. They will also have on goggles, face shields, head coverings, booties and disposable gowns.
What changes have been made to the check-in, check-out process?
Patients’ temperatures and oxygen saturation levels are taken at time of arrival, along with hand sanitizer in the front office for patients to use upon arrival.
We have added bottled water for patients. We have arranged the chairs to allow for social distancing in the waiting room. The fish remain untouched and happy. The waiting room is disinfected after every patient. Door knobs, hand rails, chair seats, front desk, counter tops and pens are all wiped down and disinfected. Additionally, UVC lights are used to disinfect all items and surfaces at the front desk.
The Front Desk interaction will now be contactless. The Walkout Statements that were usually handed to you will now be emailed to you through our secure patient portal through Smiledash.com. In this Patient Portal, Patients can check their appointments, send secure messages to the office and retrieve the walkout statement. Team Members at the front desk will also be wearing face masks and face shields for their personal protection.
How safe is the air in the overall office?
In addition to all of the mitigation purification systems we have in each room, we have installed PhenomenalAire Cold Plasma Generator Technology. This is used in our HVAC system to clean the air by producing an electric field filled with highly charged ions. The ions created within the field create a natural scrubbing agent for the air passing through the field. The scrubbing process (ionization) safely disables viruses and other microorganisms.
All chemicals used are FDA, EPA approved, non-toxic and very safe. We will be happy to provide MSDS sheets, test results and additional information on all mitigation disinfectants and air purification systems used to anyone who is interested.
The safety of our Patients and Team Members is of the utmost importance.
Certainly the unknown can be scary, but we have done everything possible to create a safe and healthy environment for everyone.
We appreciate each and every one of you and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Update 6/5/2020
We hope that all of our Patients and Families are continuing to stay safe and healthy.
Our community has been through a lot over the past few months and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. Although many things have changed lately, one thing that has not changed is our dedicated commitment to your safety.
We can announce that our office will be initiating a phased reopening starting on Monday June 8, 2020. We will be offering a limited number of appointments per day. Emergency patients will take priority, we have encouraged any patient with an emergency to call us immediately throughout this time and going forward. For non emergency patients a virtual consult can be arranged to discuss treatment until such time that we start to provide elective care.
Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We continue to closely monitor the recommendations of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued.
When it is time for your next appointment, you will see some changes along with our already strict infection control protocols.
- Our office will communicate with you prior to your appointment to ask some screening questions. You will be asked those same questions again when you arrive at the office the day of your appointment.
- When you arrive at the office for your scheduled appointment, we kindly ask that you remain in your car and send us a text or call the front desk to let us know that you are here for your appointment.
- Please remain in your car until a Team member is ready to bring you directly into the treatment area. Only the patient that is being treated will be allowed to enter the office with very few exceptions. The only exceptions will be for very young children and patients with disabilities. In these instances only one parent/caregiver may accompany the patient. No other family members will be allowed inside.
- Once you are checked in, someone from the Team will meet you at your car to take your temperature and ask the screening questions that were asked when you first made your appointment. If your temperature is over 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment following a 14 day period. Any indication of recent exposure to a Covid 19 symptomatic or diagnosed individual or individuals or anyone showing signs and symptoms will be asked to reschedule their appointment a minimum of 14 days out.
- When the Provider is ready, we will reach out to you to come into the office. We ask you to please wear a mask when entering the office and we will ask you to use hand sanitizer which we will supply.
- You may see that our reception area will look a little different also. We will no longer offer magazines or other items in the waiting room that cannot be properly disinfected.
- Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients.
- We will do out best to reduce waiting times for you, as well as to reduce the number of patients in the office at any one time.
- Once in the treatment area there will be other things the Assistants will be asking you to do, this is all apart of our mitigation process, to eliminate the amount of aerosols in the air to keep our Patients safe.
We will begin reaching out to Patients slowly to reschedule appointments that may have been cancelled in these past few months. Please have patience with us as we continue to reach out to schedule everyone who has been so patiently waiting
We are ever so grateful for every one of our Patients and this time away has only served to make us even more thankful for each of you. Your health and safety is of paramount importance to us. We appreciate and thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
Please bear with us as initially things will move a little slow. We are focused on seeing patients in a timely manner without exposing Patients and Team members to unnecessary risk.
We look forward to seeing all of you very soon and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are taking to keep every Patient safe in our Practice. You may call the office at 401-738-2193 with any questions.
If you have a true Dental Emergency please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
With Warm Regards,
Dr. Peri and Team
Update 6/1/2020
We hope that you are all continuing to stay as safe and healthy as possible.
Progress is slow but not stalled. We continue to slowly receive more mitigation equipment.
We are very hopeful that we will be able to slowly reopen next week.
Safety is and remains of utmost importance.
Thank you for all of your understanding and patience. We hope to reopen very soon.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy!
Update 5/29/2020
We hope you are all continuing to stay safe and healthy.
Progress continues to be slow. We continue to receive more pieces of mitigation equipment slowly. Safety and health continues to be our number one priority. As a result, we are so sorry that we cannot announce an exact reopening date at this time. Waiting to receive all the necessary equipment has definitely been an exercise in patience for us.
Please know that we are very eager to reopen and provide care but we are not going to take any shortcuts in order to achieve that. We are going to be thorough, systematic and we will ensure that we have covered all bases.
Again once these mitigation systems are in place we will reach out to Patients to start rescheduling appointments that we know everyone has been patiently waiting for.
If you would like to schedule a Teledentistry consult, please call our office at 401-738-2193 and someone will return your phone call to schedule a time where you can address your concerns with Dr. Peri.
Please know that the health of our Patients, Team, Families and Community is extremely important to us. We value and appreciate each and every one of you and we are doing everything possible to ensure your safety.
If you have a true Dental Emergency please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy!
Update 5/27/2020
We have missed you and are very much looking forward to seeing all of you again soon. We are getting very close to a phased reopening and we hope to slowly get back to some semblance of normalcy. Things will move slowly at first as we get accustomed to our new normal. We sincerely appreciate your patience and thank you for putting up with us as we navigate through these unprecedented circumstances.
As a result of the Coronavirus and Covid 19, things are going to be very different. Our ultimate goal is to treat Patients in the safest environment possible without exposing our Patients and Team members to unnecessary risk. Extreme measures are being taken to achieve this goal.
We apologize that we have had to cancel many of your appointments and we are very much aware that many of you have patiently waited to be rescheduled and seen.
We have augmented our well established, effective rigorous disinfection protocols and are in the process of implementing numerous additional mitigation systems in the office including mitigation systems at the intra oral and extra oral level. We have left no stone unturned. We will probably look a little different when you see us again. We will update you with further details as we get closer to our reopening date.
We will be offering Teledentistry consults soon. Teledentistry is a virtual consult. If you are having a dental issue you can speak to or have a video conference with Dr. Peri. You can even send pictures. The platform we will use is gotomeeting.com. Our teledentistry hours for now will be on Mondays. If you would like to schedule a teledentistry consult, please call our office at 401-738-2193 and someone will return your phone call to schedule a time for your conference meeting.
Please know that the health of our Patients, Team, Families and Community is extremely important to us. WE ARE TAKING THIS VERY SERIOUSLY. We value and appreciate each and every one of you and we are doing everything possible to ensure your safety.
We will announce a reopening date very soon. Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call our office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy!
Dr. Peri and Team
Update 5/22/2020
The office is still closed.
We are moving closer to a reopening date as we are finally starting to slowly receive our necessary mitigation equipment.
Please stay tuned. This has been a frustrating wait.
Our commitment is to keep all of our patients and Team safe and healthy.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Thank you so much for your patience and have a Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!
Please stay healthy and safe! Together we will get through this!
Update 5/20/2020
We hope that all of our patients are continuing to stay safe and healthy.
The office is still closed.
Keeping our patients safe is our top priority. Once the new mitigation systems are in place we will begin to reach out to our patients for appointments.
Thank you so much for your patience as we explore our new normal.
We look forward to seeing each and every one of our patients.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 5/18/2020
The office is still presently closed.
We are awaiting the new protective equipment to arrive to keep our patients’ safety our top priority.
Thank you so much for your patience as we explore our new normal.
We look forward to seeing everyone.
If you have a true Dental Emergency please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 5/15/2020
We hope that our patients are continuing to stay safe and healthy.
The office is still closed. We are trying our best to implement our new safety protocols as quickly and safely as possible. The health and safety of our patients and team are our top priority.
Thank you so much for having patience with us as we explore our new normal.
We look forward to seeing you again soon. If you have a true Dental Emergency please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Stay Safe and Healthy! Together we are getting through this!!
Update 5/12/2020
While many things have changed recently, our constant commitment to your safety remains of paramount importance.
As you have surely seen during your visits to our office, infection control has always been a top priority in our practice. Our strict processes have consistently made the care you receive here both safe and comfortable.
Presently our office is still closed. We would like our patients to know that this is because we are implementing additional safety protocols and waiting to receive and install new protective equipment to keep the health and safety of all of our patients our top priority.
Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We continue to closely monitor the recommendations of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued.
Once we have exhaustively implemented all systems to keep both our patients and team safe, we will be reaching out to patients to reschedule any appointments that they may have had in the past few months.
We look forward to seeing you again soon and we are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are taking to keep you and every patient safe in our practice.
Thank you for being WONDERFUL PATIENTS. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming you back to your fortified dental home.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please contact the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
With Warm Regards,
Dr. Peri and Team
Update 5/6/2020
The office is closed.
We continue to implement additional measures in the office to keep both our valued patients and our Team safe.
We do not have a reopening date as of yet. But we will continue to keep you updated as more information evolves.
If you have a True Dental Emergency, please contact the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
We hope our patients continue to stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 5/4/2020
The office is still presently closed.
We want our patients to know that we are actively working on implementing additional measures and equipment that will allow us to continue to provide quality care in a safe environment. There will be many new features that we will be implementing. The health and safety of our patients and team is of paramount importance.
To date, we do not have a precise reopening date but we will keep you updated on any new information we may receive.
We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please contact the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Stay safe and healthy!! Together we will get through this!!
Update 5/1/2020
The office is still presently closed.
We would like our patients to know that we are actively working on implementing additional measures and equipment that will allow us to continue to provide quality care in a safe environment. The health and safety of our patients and team is of paramount importance.
To date, we do not have a precise reopening date but we will keep you updated on any new information we may receive.
We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please contact the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/29/2020
We are hoping that all of our patients are remaining safe and healthy!!
The office is still presently closed.
As we are updated with guidance from the CDC and the ADA we will continue to update our patients as well.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please contact the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy!! Together we will get through this!!
Update 4/24/2020
We hope that everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy through this surreal time. The office will still be closed through the month of April. We will continue to update patients, as to how long the office will be closed, as new information and recommendations are provided to us. We will also continue reaching out to patients that need to reschedule appointments.
As we are updated with new information regarding the Coronavirus, we will continue updating patients as well.
If you have a True Dental Emergency, you can still contact the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/22/2020
We hope that this letter finds you, your family and friends healthy.
In these difficult times we look forward to when we can get back to a new normal and re-engage with our family and friends.
While today’s technology has opened windows for connection and communication never seen in years past, we believe it is not a substitute for a child’s laugh or loved one’s hug and kiss.
Social distancing is a new concept for most of us but it is necessary to allow us to get to a stage in our lives where we emerge in a safe and new light.
We are actively adapting our practice to what a new normal will be in a dental office in order to provide a high level of quality care in a safe environment, while retaining the personal relationships that define who we are. What we are learning is that how we will change to protect you and ourselves is evolving. As we have demonstrated for our entire relationship, we will do what is needed for your utmost safety and protection. We will continue to provide you with a level and quality of care needed to help keep you healthy for many years to come.
Once we are able to return, we will be contacting everyone who had an appointment during this “hiatus” to create a new schedule. We appreciate your understanding as we work to handle all of your needs.
Certainly the unknown can be scary, but I do believe that by being as prepared as possible for the changes we will encounter, we will be able to move forward and confidently provide quality dental care in a very safe environment.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all of the dedicated workers on the front line who are selflessly providing healthcare and compassion during these very difficult times. We also want to thank all of the key workers who ensure the infrastructure of our life continues.
If you have any questions that we could help with, feel free to call the office at 401-738-2193 or email us at [email protected]. We will continue with regular updates.
Please stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
With warm regards,
Dr Peri and Team
Update 4/17/2020
We hope everyone is staying safe and continuing to be in good health.
The office is remaining closed throughout the month of Aprils. We will continue to reach out to patients to reschedule their appointments.
We will continue to inform you on recent updates as they are given to us regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please stay safe and healthy!! Together we will get through this!!
Update 4/15/2020
The office will remain closed throughout the month of April. We will continue to reach out to patients to reschedule their appointment.
We will continue to keep you informed on any new updates that we receive regarding the Coronavirus and when the office may open.
We hope everyone is staying safe and well!! We do miss seeing all of our wonderful patients and hope to see everyone soon.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/13/2020
To all of our VERY VALUED Patients,
We hope that all of our patients had a very safe and happy holiday this weekend.
The office will remain closed through the month of April. We will continue to reach out to patients to reschedule their appointments.
We hope everyone is staying well and staying safe. We will continue to keep you informed on this ever evolving situation.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please stay safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/8/2020
The office remains closed through the month of April. We will continue to reach out to patients to reschedule their appointments.
We hope that all of our patients are staying safe and healthy. We will continue to keep you updated on the ever evolving situation with the Coronavirus.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please be safe and healthy! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/6/2020
The office will be closed through the month of April. We continue to reach out to patients who have appointments scheduled in April.
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. We can not wait to see our wonderful patients! We will continue to keep you updated on this Coronavirus situation.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please be safe and well! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/3/2020
The office will remain closed through the month of April. At that time, the safety of our patients will be re-evaluated. We are continuing to reach out to patients to reschedule appointments as needed.
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. We will continue to keep you updated on this ever evolving situation.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please be safe and well! Together we will get through this!
Update 4/1/2020
The office still remains closed. Upon recommendations from the CDC, RI Department of Health and the American Dental Association, the office will remain closed until May 1, 2020. At that time the safety of our patients will be re-evaluated. We are continuing to reach out to patients to reschedule appointments as needed.
We hope that you are staying safe and healthy. We will continue to keep you informed on the ever evolving situation of the Coronavirus.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Please be safe and well! Together we will get through this!
Update 3/30/2020
The office remains closed. The original date was April 6th, 2020 but there is a possibility that the office will remain closed past April 6th. We are continuing to reach out to patients to reschedule appointments as needed.
The Coronavirus is an ever evolving situation. We will continue to constantly update patients.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Together we will get through this!! Stay healthy and be well!!
Update 3/25/20
The office remains closed until 4/6/2020. At that time the situation with the Coronavirus and the safety of our patients will be re-evaluated. We will continue to reach out to patients to reschedule their appointments as needed.
We hope that you are staying safe and healthy. We will continue to keep you informed on the evolving situation.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Together we will get through this! Stay healthy and be well!
Update 3/20/20
The office remains closed. We are following the RI Department of Health and will remain closed until April 6,2020. We will continue to reach out to patients who need their appointments rescheduled.
We will continue to keep you informed on this ever changing situation with the Coronavirus.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Together we will get through this! Stay healthy and be well!
Update 3/18/2020
The office remains closed. We will continue to reach out to patients who need their appointments rescheduled.
Due to the ever evolving situation with the Coronavirus we plan to tentatively open on March 30, 2020. There is a possibility that the office may be closed for a longer period of time.
We will continue to update you as details of the Coronavirus situation emerge.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
Stay healthy and safe! Together we will get through this!
Due to the dramatically evolving situation with the Coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, we have decided to limit all dental care to just emergency treatment. All elective scheduled treatment will be rescheduled. You will receive a call from the office to reschedule your appointment.
We take the health of our patients and staff very seriously and in an effort to help curb the community spread of Covid-19, we feel that this is a crucial step to take at this point in time. We apologize for the inconvenience but we hope that you understand that we are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all our patients and staff.
As this is an evolving situation, we ask that you please check this site for updated information. You will also receive updated text messages and emails as things evolve.
If you have a true Dental Emergency, please call the office at 401-738-2193 and select 2 for emergencies.
We are all in this together and we hope that we will be able to resume normal function in the very near future.
Please be safe and well!